Here's how to make a super simple tiramisu without the mascarpone

Preparing the recipe for tiramisu without mascarpone is a perfect idea if a person is on a diet or is trying to maintain a controlled diet regarding fat intake. In fact, the resulting dessert is much lower in calories than the classic one, 150 Kcal per serving versus about 350.

300 g philadelphia, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons sugar, 250 ml coffee, ladyfingers to taste, bitter cocoa to taste. 1 pinch of salt
Start with the coffee: fill the moka pot with water to the height of the safety valve. Now place the dosing filter and fill it, using a teaspoon, with ground coffee. Turn on a small stove while keeping the flame low and place the coffee pot on top, until all the coffee has come out.
As soon as it is ready, transfer it to a bowl suitable for holding hot liquids and let it cool. Add a little water to thin it slightly, if you prefer. Now move on to the preparation of the cream: take the eggs, crack them open and separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the yolks inside a large bowl and add all the caster sugar. Whip them with electric whips until the mixture is light and swollen with more volume.
Whip the egg whites until stiff in a separate bowl with a pinch of salt. Add the Philadelphia cheese to the yolks and mix well with electric whips until the mixture is thick and smooth. Incorporate the egg whites as well, but a few at a time and without letting them disassemble by making circular motions from the bottom to the top. Arrange the baking pan you prefer to use on the work surface.
Dip the ladyfingers inside the bowl containing the coffee, but very quickly, then arrange a first layer on the bottom of the baking dish. Cover with plenty of Philadelphia cream cheese and continue, like this, until you have used up all the ingredients. Finish with the cream cheese and sprinkle the surface with unsweetened cocoa powder with the help of a strainer. Let the tiramisu without mascarpone rest in the refrigerator for at least 3 to 4 hours before tasting.
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