The perfect recipe for Nutella crepes

Nutella crepes are a great classic: here is the recipe for making them to perfection. To flavor these mouth-watering crepes, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, the seeds of a vanilla bean or a shot of rum or cognac to the batter. Ready in just a few minutes, this quick and easy treat allows you to please all your guests, adults and children alike, with a sweet treat that is good both as a snack and as an end to a meal.

2 Eggs, 150gr Flour, 2 teaspoons Sugar, 250 ml Whole milk at room temperature, 1 pinch of salt, Nutella to taste, Butter to grease pan to taste, Icing sugar or whipped cream to taste.
To make Nutella crepes, shell the eggs in a large bowl, add the sugar and salt. Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk and continue until the mixture is smooth and fluid. Sift the 00 flour and gradually add it to the previous mixture with the help of a wooden spoon. Be careful not to create lumps.
Add the room-temperature milk at a trickle, pouring it over the egg and flour mixture and stirring continuously so that the batter is smooth. In case lumps have formed pass it through a sieve and continue. Let the batter rest for at least 30 minutes, covered with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator. After this time has elapsed, heat the nonstick pan (about 18-20 cm in diameter) and grease it with a little butter (or oil).
Pour a ladleful of batter into the nonstick skillet after stirring lightly, then swirl it around so that the batter is spread evenly over the bottom of the skillet. Cook for about a minute or until the mixture begins to darken at the edges, then turn it over and continue cooking on the other side for a minute. As the crepes are ready place them, one on top of the other, on a plate to make sure they stay warm.
Alternatively, you can already stuff them by slathering them with a little Nutella--best at room temperature or slightly warm--and roll them immediately or fold them over on themselves twice, proceeding then to arrange them on a serving plate. Sprinkle the Nutella crepes, only at the end, with sifted powdered sugar directly on top and decorate them, if you prefer, with strands of Nutella to drop from the top or clumps of whipped cream.
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