Quick walnut and canella balls, the recipe

These of walnut and canella balls are a really easy, quick and healthy snack. Plus you only need 4 ingredients to prepare them.

They are rich in nutrients and sweetened only with dates. Recipe naturally free of gluten, dairy and sugar.

Walnut and cinnamon balls, the recipe without gluten, milk and sugar
Walnut and cinnamon balls, the recipe without gluten, milk and sugar
Ingredients to prepare walnut and cinnamon balls:50 g walnuts40 g oatmeal5 pitted medjool dates1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
In a frying pan dry roast the oatmeal. It only takes a few minutes so that they are not raw (this way they become more digestible).
Combine everything in a bowl.
Add roasted oatmeal to walnuts, pitted dates and cinnamon.
Use the blender
In a high-powered blender, mix everything so that the mixture has the consistency of coarse flour.
Transfer all the mixture to a deep dish and with your hands form small balls.
Transfer all the mixture to a deep dish and with your hands form small balls.
Store in the refrigerator. The balls should be eaten within 3 days.
Store in the refrigerator. The balls should be eaten within 3 days.
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