The recipe for a perfect eggplant parmigiana

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Black oval eggplant 1.7 kg, Tomato puree 1 kg, Fiordilatte 500 g, Parmigiano Reggiano DOP (to grate) 150 g, Golden onions 1, Basil, Extra virgin olive oil, Black pepper, oil for frying
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Prepare the classic tomato sauce. Meanwhile, cut the fiordilatte into cubes, keeping a piece aside that will be needed at the end. Drain the cubes in a colander placed in a bowl, cover with foil and set aside: this process is to allow the excess whey to drain off
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At this point, turn to the eggplants, clean and trim them. Slice lengthwise obtaining 4-5 mm thick slices. When you are done fry the eggplants in oil already hot 170° immersing a few pieces at a time , as soon as they are lightly browned drain on tray with paper towels
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Start by pouring some of the sauce into a 20x30-cm baking dish. Form the first layer by arranging the eggplant slices, pour the tomato sauce, spread it and scatter some fiordilatte cheese cubes, Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and basil leaves. Start again by adding the tomato sauce and eggplant, which should be laid in the opposite direction. Then again the cheeses and basil leaves. Go on like this until you reach the last layer of eggplant and which you are going to season, once again, with sauce and the fiordilatte cheese that you have kept aside, to be broken up by hand
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Finish with grated Parmesan cheeseand bake in a static oven, already hot at 200°, for about 30 minutes. After the cooking time has elapsed, let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes before serving your eggplant parmigiana
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