Fennel - recipes and not only

Fennel is a vegetable that can be used in various ways: raw, baked, boiled, steamed, infused.

It can be consumed in a thousand ways. Nothing is thrown away from the fennel.

The outer leaves can be added to the minestrone, the upper part instead, can be used as a condiment and added to the pasta sauce. Used raw instead it can be an excellent digestive.

With a little imagination you can create many recipes. Let's see together some common uses.

Fennel - recipes and not only
Let's see together how to use the fennel.
Baked fennel gratin
Have you ever tried baked fennel? You will need two fennel, cut them in half, season with a pinch of salt and the béchamel sauce. Cover them with parmesan and bake at 180° degrees for 30/40 minutes.
Fennel infusion
Use the outer leaves that are usually discarded. Boil the leaves in water for at least 20 minutes and filter. It is an excellent digestive and deflates the belly.
Fennel salad
The most classic of recipes. Cut the fennel into pieces and season with oil, salt and lemon. Add raisins and orange to taste, excellent as a side dish.
Fennel beard
The fennel beard is usually discarded. Use it instead to season first courses. Sauté a clove of garlic with oil.  Add the fennel beard, two anchovies, black olives. With this wonderful sauce you can cook an excellent pasta.
Fennel and octopus salad
Use a fennel salad as a base, add steamed octopus and season with oil and lime. A great appetizer.
Fennel seeds
If eaten raw after meals they help to deflate the belly.
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