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Six key ingredients to have for Japanese cooking

Japanese cuisine is appreciated all over the world and certainly does not stop at sushi alone, although this is, arguably, the most famous.

Those who wish to prepare some dishes of this much-loved cuisine at home should know that there are some basic ingredients that should never be lacking.

Fish for example, but also rice, seaweed, and many others. Let's find out what are the six ingredients that should never be missing when you decide to cook Japanese dishes at home.

Love of Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine is appreciated all over the world and certainly does not stop with sushi alone, although this is, arguably, the most famous. Those who wish to prepare some dishes of this much-loved cuisine at home should know that there are some basic ingredients that should never be missing. Let's find out what they are.
The fish
Japanese cuisine makes extensive use of fish. Among the types to have on hand. there should never be a shortage of salmon, tuna, and shrimp.
Rice is another of the ingredients that should never be lacking when you decide to cook Japanese dishes. It is used for different types of sushi, pasta dishes, soups and salads.
Nori seaweed
Nori seaweed is considered the most popular and widely used in cooking, especially for sushi preparation. It is estimated that Japan alone produces about 11 billion pieces annually.
Soy sauce
Unmissable, when one decides to cook and taste Japanese cuisine dishes, is soy sauce. This sauce gives a unique flavor to dishes and really cannot be missed.
Teriyaki sauce
In addition to soy sauce, some Japanese dishes (such as sushi but also meat and fish) should never be without teriyaki sauce. It is a sauce generally composed of soy sauce, honey (or sugar), rice vinegar, cornstarch, and water.
Wasabi sauce
Those who love strong and spicy flavors will not be able to do without wasabi sauce, with its typical green color. It is great to pair with fish and rice.
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