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The most expensive grape in the world: why people pay crazy amounts for it

Would you pay crazy amounts for grapes? Apparently there is someone willing to spend very high figures for Ruby Roman, a particular variety of grape that is grown only in the prefecture of Ishikawa, Japan.

What makes this grape the most expensive in the world? The characteristics are unique and valuable and much appreciated, evidently, given that in 2019 some bunches were sold at auction and there are those who paid almost 10,000 euros to have them.

Produced only in that particular area of Japan, the Ruby Roman grape boasts a low degree of acidity, high sugar content and is very juicy. Each grape weighs about 20 grams.

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Ruby Romangrapes, the most expensive in the world
Would you pay crazy amounts for grapes? Apparently there is someone willing to spend very high figures for Ruby Roman, a particular variety of grape that is grown only in the prefecture of Ishikawa, Japan. What makes this grape the most expensive in the world?
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The characteristics that make this grape unique
In addition to being produced only in a particular area of Japan (Ishikawa)prefecture, the Ruby Roman grape boasts a low degree of acidity, high sugar content and is very juicy. Each grape weighs about 20 grams and can reach a diameter of 3 cm.
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14 years to get Ruby Roman grapes
In 2008, the first grape of this type, produced by Japanese farmer Tsutomu Takemori, was auctioned. Obtained in 14 years of work, a bunch of grapes had been sold for 910 dollars.
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Higher and higher prices for Ruby Roman grapes
In 2019 the prices of grapes Ruby Roman have definitely risen. A bunch was purchased, at auction, for the astronomical sum of almost 10,000 euros, or more than 300 euros per berry.
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Record exceeded also in 2021
Two years later, the Ruby Roman grapes were sold for an even higher figure. In fact, it was awarded to those who paid the sum of about 12,700 US dollars.
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