TasteAtlas ranking of the world's 10 favorite cheeses: 8 are Italian

In this photo gallery we explore and describe the world's finest and most valued cheeses, selected by Taste Atlas, a website dedicated to discovering gastronomic delights from around the planet where products are voted on by users.

From intense and tangy flavors to the most delicate and creamy tastes, these cheeses are a true culinary experience for cheese lovers around the world. Through this photo gallery, we will travel to different parts of the globe, discovering the secrets and peculiarities of each cheese and their connection to local culture and tradition.

Ready to explore the top 10 favorite cheeses in the world? (Source: Taste Atlas)

The TasteAtlas ranking of the world's 10 favorite cheeses: 8 are Italian
In this photo gallery we explore and describe the world's finest and most valued cheeses, selected by Taste Atlas, a website dedicated to discovering gastronomic delights from around the planet where products are voted by users. From intense and tangy flavors to the most delicate and creamy tastes, these cheeses are a true culinary experience for cheese lovers around the world. Through this photo gallery, we will travel to different parts of the globe, discovering the secrets and peculiarities of each cheese and their connection to local culture and tradition. Ready to explore the top 10 favorite cheeses in the world? (Source: Taste Atlas)
Di Peachyeung316 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
10) Spicy Gorgonzola 
The spicy gorgonzola has a hard paste with an intense and widespread blue-greenish marbling. The taste of this cheese is intense and distinctly spicy. The aging period for spicy gorgonzola is at least 80 days.
Autorstwa Silar - Praca własna, CC BY-SA 4.0,
9) Bundz
Bundz is a sheep's milk cheese, produced mainly in Podhale, Poland. The taste of bundz is not constant. The tastiest is bundz made from the spring grazing of sheep.
Di Bijltjespad - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
8) Tuscanian Pecorino 
Tuscanian Pecorino is an Italian cheese with a protected designation of origin. This cheese is characterized by its mild flavor, never savory or spicy. This peculiarity depends both on the processing method used (calf rennet or vegetable rennet) and on the duration of salting, which is much shorter than that of classic pecorino.
Por Hipersyl - Obra do próprio, CC BY-SA 4.0,
7) Queijo Serra da Estrela
This Portuguese cheese is made from sheep's milk and has a protected designation of origin. The oldest mentions of this cheese date back to the 12th century, making it the oldest of Portuguese cheeses. The minimum ripening time for the cheese is 30 days. The paste is semi-soft and the color is white or yellowish. The flavor is mild and slightly acidic.
Di Sandrino 14 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
6) Sardinian Pecorino 
Sardinian Pecorino is a protected designation of sheep's origin cheese produced in Sardinia. It has a semi-cooked paste, made from whole sheep's milk from Sardinian farms, possibly thermalized or pasteurized, rennet, salt and milk enzymes, and is marketed in two versions: a mild, fresher one, about 1-2 months old, and a mature, more seasoned one, not less than 2 months old.
Di Popo le Chien - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
5) Mozzarella di bufala campana
Mozzarella di bufala campana is a soft, fresh, pasta filata cheese traditionally produced in the provinces of Caserta and Salerno. Production also takes place in selected locations in the metropolitan city of Naples, as well as in southern Lazio, upper Apulia and the Molise municipality of Venafro.
Di Cvezzoli - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
4) Crescenza Stracchino 
Crescenza Stracchino is a soft, uncooked, short-ripened Italian cheese made from whole cow's milk, which may be raw milk or pasteurized milk, however always whole. It appears as a fat and soft cheese, with an often thin and tender rind (skin) becoming rind after maturing for a few weeks, white in color (the following are forms of stracchino: crescenza, robiola, taleggio, strachitunt, gorgonzola and salva cremasco).
Di Claudia Castaldi - Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano, CC BY-SA 4.0,
3) Grana Padano
Grana Padano is a hard, cooked, slow-ripening Italian PDO cheese belonging to the generic grana family. It is produced in thirty-two provinces of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont, Trentino-Alto Adige, where it takes on the name Trentingrana, limited to the autonomous province of Trento, and Veneto; all stages of the production chain must mandatorily take place in the area of origin.
Di Popo le Chien - Opera propria, CC0,
2) Burrata
Burrata is a fresh, cow's milk, stringy cheese, shaped like a rounded pouch with a characteristic apical closure and with an exterior appearance similar to mozzarella. The interior, similar to manteca, is soft and stringy.
By Helge Høifødt - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
1) Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano Reggiano with protected designation of origin has a cylindrical shape, diameter 35-45 cm, height 20-26 cm, minimum weight of 30 and average weight of 40-42 kg. The rind is golden yellow in color. The paste is hard with slightly straw to straw color. The texture is minutely grainy, with flaky fracture.
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