Making pasta with a 3D printer is now possible, here's how

An Italian company has created the first 3D printed pasta. The idea of a Barilla Group startup: imaginative, nature-inspired shapes ready in 13 minutes. One package? Costs almost 20 euros.

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An Italian company has created the first 3D printed pasta. The idea of a Barilla Group startup: imaginative, nature-inspired shapes ready in 13 minutes
Foto BluRhapsody
The flavor is in every way similar to that of traditional pasta
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The frozen fresh pasta line is designed to offer a sensory experience of the highest level. Deep freezing allows the shapes to remain intact in their beauty, and the typical flavor of fresh pasta, made with fine semolina dough, gives incomparable fulfillment at the moment of tasting
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Want something customized? Here's the startup's answer: "Whatever shape you can imagine, we can make it, even customizing the color and flavor. With our innovative digital craftsmanship concept, everything is custom-made and designed to bring extraordinary dishes to life and make every event even more exclusive."
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The cost? Just to give an example packs of 12 finger foods (in the shape of a heart, star and cube) are sold for almost 20 euros
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