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How to dispose of the pounds taken during the holidays, here are some tips

Sometimes we find ourselves weighed down, swollen, with a few extra pounds and we do not feel active. In this gallery you will find some small tips to quickly dispose of the extra pounds, but above all eliminate the sense of swelling.

It takes very little, to get back in shape, eliminating for some time the foods that tend to be guilty of abdominal swelling, such as pasta and bread.

Basmati rice will be your ally, along with vegetables for lunch. White meat and fish will be the dishes that will fill you up in the evening. Within a few days you will see the results.

How to dispose of the pounds that make us feel weighed down. For important interventions, consult your doctor or a dietician.
Small useful tips to lose weight (little)
Start the morning with 2 kiwis, rusks with jam and a good coffee.
In the middle of the morning eat 2 biscuits and drink at least 1/2 liter of water.
Basmati rice for lunch
Cook about 80 grams of raw weighed basmati rice. Season with a drizzle of oil.
Vegetables at will
Cooked or raw, vegetables should never be missing.
For dinner, opt for fish and accompany it with vegetables.
White meat
Alternate fish with white meat such as chicken, turkey, veal.
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