Holiday in America? Ten foods to try on your trip

While on holiday in America, one of the most exciting moments is definitely the chance to try the typical dishes of the different regions.

From the delicious specialities of the south-east coast like fried chicken and roasted cashews, to the unique flavours of the Midwest like chilli con carne and cornbread, to the delicious dishes of the west coast like fresh fish and Tex-Mex burritos, every area of the US has something special to offer. If you want to enjoy something unique for the holidays, you might try specialities like southern barbecue, Chicago pizza or Boston clam chowder. 

In this gallery we suggest 10 foods to try if you go to America.

Hamburger and chips
An American classic. The first thing you want to eat as soon as you land. You can choose from so many variations. With or without bacon, egg and cheese, sauces of all kinds. A classic that does not disappoint.
Apple pie
American apple pie. It is served warm often accompanied by whipped cream.
Hot dog
One of the dishes you must try is definitely a hot dog. Strictly bought from a retailer on the street. Mustard and onion are a must for this delicious dish.
BBQ ribs
BBQ marinated ribs are an American speciality, unforgettable at first taste. They can be marinated for more than 48 hours in beer and honey.
Mac and cheese
Macaroni and cheese, better known as mac and cheese, is often served as a side dish with meat. You will rarely find them as a first course.
American breakfast
Forget cappuccino and croissant. If you go to America, you absolutely must try the typical breakfast, with eggs (scrambled or whole) and bacon, pancakes with maple syrup. A complete breakfast to get your day off to a great start.
Bagel with salmon and cheese
A perfect American brunch has the bagel on the menu. You will find many versions. The most classic, stuffed with salmon and soft cheese. For those with a sweet tooth, there is the version with soft egg.
NY cheesecake
A perfect snack to enjoy among the skyscrapers. Accompanied by fresh fruit and a good American coffee.
Boston clam chowder
Clam chowder is a typical New England dish. The soup consists of bacon and clams, milk and potatoes. A real treat. The most classic version is served in a warm, crusty loaf of bread.
Pepperoni pizza
If you go to America, you absolutely must try pepperoni pizza. Pepperoni pizza is called like this in the United States and Canada because pepperoni is a type of spicy sausage made from pork and chilli. In Italian, 'pepperoni' refers to sweet peppers, so pizza with peperoni in Italy is different from pizza with pepperoni in the US and Canada.
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