All the benefits of kale, a vegetable against cellular aging and osteoporosis
Kale, is a broad-leaved variety of vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
Its leaves can be green or purple in colour and have a smooth, curly or rippled shape. The stem of the kale is hard and fibrous.
This plant mainly develops towards the end of winter and during spring, providing a beneficial energy supply to cope with the change of season.
A vegetable against cellular aging and osteoporosis
Kale, is a broad-leaved variety of vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Its leaves can be green or purple in colour and have a smooth, curly or rippled shape. The stem of the kale is hard and fibrous. This plant mainly develops towards the end of winter and during spring, providing a beneficial energy supply to cope with the change of season.
A versatile and nutritious vegetable
Like all vegetables, kale has a minimal energy intake, mainly from carbohydrates, while protein and fat are present in very small quantities. However, it is rich in fibres, which have an anti-stipidic function: they help regulate intestinal absorption, reducing the absorption of fats and cholesterol, and modulating the absorption of carbohydrates to avoid sharp rises in blood sugar.
Benefits for regulating metabolism
Due to its high fibre and water content, kale provides a feeling of satiety and is an excellent ally for weight loss. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron, and contains important vitamins including ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotenoids (vitamin A precursors) and folate. Micronutrients also include phytosterols, polyphenols, antioxidants and purines.
Potassium, calcium and iron for health
Thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, quercetin and polyphenols, kale effectively counteracts oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C, which is present in larger quantities than in most other vegetables, plays a key role in the synthesis of collagen, the body's main structural protein. In addition, kale is a good source of calcium, an essential mineral for healthy bones, and also contains vitamin K, which plays an important role in maintaining the bone and muscle system.
A powerful ally for overall health
Kale is a valuable vegetable for menopausal women and all those who are more susceptible to the risk of osteoporosis, such as the 'female athlete's triad'. This is a combination of conditions including amenorrhoea, osteoporosis and eating disorders, mainly observed among female athletes, especially in sports such as gymnastics, ballet and endurance racing.