Star anise herbal tea: a possible remedy for digestive problems
Have you eaten too much in the past few days? A possible natural aid could be anise tea. Anise herbal tea is an infusion prepared with a plant called Illicium verum or commonly star anise that is considered effective in combating various ailments.
It is worth trying it thanks to its aromatic, sweet and licorice-like taste.
Anise has a very recognizable flavor similar to licorice, tarragon and phenyl, and although some people do not "like" its particle flavor, it still remains very popular.
What happens to our body when we drink anise tea?
Browse the gallery to find out more. Inside also the recipe to prepare anise herbal tea at home.
Star anise herbal tea: a possible remedy for digestive problems
Have you eaten too much in the past few days? A possible natural aid could be anise tea. Anise tea is an infusion prepared with a plant called Illicium verum, which is believed to be effective in combating disorders such as asthma, colic, bronchitis and nausea. It is worth trying it thanks to its aromatic, sweet and licorice-like taste. Anise has a very recognizable flavor similar to licorice, tarragon and phenyl, and although some people do not "like" its particle flavor, it still remains very popular. What happens to our body when we drink anise tea? Browse the gallery to find out more.
Star anise: the characteristic shape
Star anise owes its name to two factors: the characteristic shape of its "star" fruits and the high content of anethole, responsible for the anise's aroma.
Anise helps digestion
One of the most common uses of star anise herbal tea? A useful natural remedy against bloating and abdominal spasms.
Anise strengthens the immune system
The antioxidants present in anise tea strengthen the immune system.
Star anise herbal tea
On the market you can find filters to infuse to obtain ready-to-use herbal teas. For greater action, star anise can be combined with other spices.
Star anise in combination with other spices
For greater action, star anise herbal tea can be combined with other spices. To increase the benefits you can add cinnamon or ginger.