Foods that may be contaminated with Bacillus cereus: what to do to prevent it

Bacillus cereus is a bacterium spread in the environment whose mode of transmission can occur through contaminated food.

In particular, those foods that are kept at room temperature for a long time after cooking or those that have not been quickly or effectively cooled may be at risk.

Among the foods that may be most frequently contaminated are those made from rice, meat, milk, vegetables, fish, but also sauces or soups, pastries or salads.

What is the Bacillus cereus
Bacillus cereus is a bacterium spread in the environment whose mode of transmission can occur through contaminated food. In particular, those foods that are kept at room temperature for a long time after cooking or those that have not been quickly or effectively cooled may be at risk.
Why it can be dangerous
Bacillus cereus can be dangerous since it is able to survive in a spore state during heat treatment of the food and then mutate into the vegetative form (i.e., the one capable of producing toxins) when conditions become favorable again for its survival.
Most frequently contaminated foods
Foods that may be most contaminated with Bacillus cereus include rice based foods, foods with starch (such as potatoes or pasta), sauces, soups, puddings, casseroles, meat and milk preparations, or properly cooked unprocessed foods such as meats, milk, vegetables and fish, pastries, salads, tofu, other types of vegetables.
How to prevent dangers
To avoid damage from contamination and toxins, it is especially recommended that food need be refrigerated to a maximum temperature of 7°C.
Symptoms of intoxication
In case of intoxication, the most common symptoms are vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The main advice, of course, is to seek medical attention, who will proceed with investigations and related treatment.
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