Ten Italian favourite pasta dishes

Among the highlights of Italian cuisine are the magnificent pasta dishes famous throughout the world.

The Aidepi (Italian Sweet and Pasta Industries Association) and IPO (International Pasta Organization), the two associations promoting the initiative, report that from 1997 to 2016 production increased by almost 57 percent, from 9.1 to 14.3 million tons.

And here are the first figures to emerge from a survey of more than 14,000 users in 13 Italian cities.

Gramigna and sausage
This homemade dish, thanks to the particular shape of its pasta and the savoriness of the sausage, manages to win over a large portion of Italians. This ranking was made through a survey of more than 14,000 users in 13 Italian cities.
Spaghetti with clams
In fact, the combination of pasta and fish seems to win over the palates of Italians in every way. Spaghetti with clams is perfect to eat by the sea with a good glass of Italian white wine.
Spaghetti allo scoglio
Popular especially in southern Italy, where ingredients are readily available, fresh and of the highest quality.
Scampi cream risotto
Its refined and delicate flavor earns it the seventh place in the ranking. The secret? Italian and top-quality raw materials.
Gnocchi alla sorrentina
With tomato and mozzarella topping and potato-based gnocchi, this dish turns out creamy and delicate.
Penne all'arrabbiata
Italians seem to be lovers of dishes with strong flavors and spiciness, and this dish, though simple, manages to tickle their taste buds.
With cream or broth, this stuffed pasta format always manages to impress with traditional or innovative fillings.
Tagliatelle with meat sauce
A simple dish with an unmistakable taste but one that both young and old enjoy.
This recipe is a Roman cuisine dish made with pasta, eggs, guanciale, and pecorino cheese. Many have tried to modify the traditional recipe, but the classic version remains the most popular.
Its flavor combination of puff pastry, Bolognese sauce, and cheese seems to be an irresistible combination.
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