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Reverse Pizza: who invented it and how to prepare it

Reverse Pizza, was invented by chef Rosanna Marziale, a student of Gianfranco Vissani and Martin Berasategui.

The idea behind this type of pizza, in itself, is very simple: it is in fact an "inverted" pizza, at the base of which there is mozzarella and which is then seasoned with bread and tomato. And so, the traditional pizza dough is replaced by a sheet of mozzarella, on top of which are then added the tomato puree and cubes of bread as a condiment.

Pizza, on the contrary, is also excellent as an appetizer and is very simple to prepare. Simple but tasty.

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The chef who invented reverse pizza
Reverse Pizza, was invented by chef Rosanna Marziale, a student of Gianfranco Vissani and Martin Berasategui. Born in 1970 in Caserta, the chef is particularly attentive to the culinary tradition of its region, the Campania. On her official website we read that for over ten years she has been using for some dishes, a technique created by her, namely that of buffalo mozzarella from Campania Dop knocked down, frozen and grated on special dishes.
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What is reverse pizza
The idea behind this type of pizza, in itself, is very simple: it is in fact an "inverted" pizza, at the base of which there is mozzarella and which is then seasoned with bread and tomato. And so, the traditional pizza dough is replaced by a sheet of mozzarella, on top of which are then added the tomato puree and cubes of bread as a condiment.
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A tasty and easy to prepare pizza
Reverse Pizza is also excellent as an appetizer and is very simple to prepare, also because of the very few ingredients needed to make it. Simple but tasty.
@rosannamarzialeofficial - Instagram
Mozzarella puff pastry
To prepare the pizza on the contrary it is necessary first of all to have a sheet of buffalo mozzarella available. You can buy it ready at the supermarket or make it at home. What? Placing the mozzarella in a container, with its preservation liquid, and making sure that all the mozzarella is immersed inside the liquid. At this point you can go to the next step.
@rosannamarzialeofficial - Instagram
Preparation of the base and seasoning
The bowl with buffalo mozzarella should be put in the microwave and cooked for a short time, often checking that the mozzarella is melting. Once the buffalo mozzarella is completely melted, put it on a sheet of baking paper, using a spoon. A second sheet of baking paper must then be superimposed on this: the time comes to start flattening the mozzarella mass, and when possible, to start pulling it with a rolling pin, until a thin sheet is obtained. At that point you can season it with tomato puree and bread cubes.
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