Pasta and peas, a quick and wholesome dish that is super easy to make

The recipe for creamy pasta and peas is a classic Italian cuisine preparation, a fresh pasta dish perfect for a quick but tasty lunch. Neapolitan pasta and peas is simple and is prepared by cooking everything in the same pot as for pasta and beans, using short pasta like tubetti or thimbles. Other more flavorful versions involve using bacon, tuna, mushrooms or ham and cream.

300gr shelled peas, 300gr pasta, 100gr butter, 50gr butter, 1 onion, salt to taste, black pepper to taste.
Chop the onion finely and wilt it in a pan with butter.
Add peas, turn to season, and let cook 3 minutes. Pour in enough water to cover the peas. Bring to a simmer.
As soon as the water comes to a boil you can add the pasta, which will cook in the sauce. Cook for as long as it takes to bring the pasta to al dente (usually 8 minutes is enough). If it turns out too dry, add a cup of boiling water.
Top with grated cheese, sprinkle with ground black pepper and bring to the table. Enjoy!
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