the secret to the perfect Ragù
The recipe for the perfect meat sauce? follow these simple instructions and you won't go wrong with the recipe that everyone likes and makes both young and old get along.
Ragù is a sauce that can be used both to season classic noodles and to prepare more elaborate dishes such as lasagna, cannelloni or to create international dishes such as moussaka from Greek cuisine.
Just use a little imagination and even the simplest ragu can make your dishes special.
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Let's prepare together a perfect ragù
The secret to making a perfect ragù? Follow the recipe and you won't fail
High-edge pot
For this recipe you need to cook in a pot with a high rim
Add plenty of olive oil
Cut the carrots into small pieces
Cut the onions into small pieces
Cut celery into small pieces
Sauté carrots, onions and celery on high heat.
Add ground meat
Cook the ground meat with the vegetable base over high heat.
Fade with wine
Do not lower the flame for a few minutes and turn to mix all the ingredients
Add tomato puree
Lower the flame and cover with a lid
The secret ingredient? Half a cup of milk
Halfway through cooking, add a small amount of milk and let everything cook for at least 3 hours.The milk will give your ragù
Add salt and pepper according to your taste
Your ragù after 3 hours of cooking is ready to be eaten.