8 curiosities about truffles

In this photo gallery we have collected eight curiosities and interesting news about truffles that make it such a fascinating and sought after food.

In this photo gallery we answer many curiosities.

Can you grate the truffle? Is there a way to grow truffles? Is truffle a tuber or a mushroom? Where is the truffle stored? How is truffle cooked? Can it be cooked? How much does the smallest truffle in the world weigh? Is there really a market for fake, counterfeit truffles?

In this photo gallery we will answer all these questions.

Can the white truffle be grown?
An institute French claimed to have managed to cultivate white truffles, a great success that only a few years ago would have been impossible to believe. The national research institute French said: "The success comes after several attempts related to downy oak plantations, the most widespread species of oak in Italy, as well as the truffle plant par excellence, whose roots have been linked to mycelium, the vegetative apparatus of fungi"
What is truffles?
The truffle is not a tuber, but it is an underground fungus
Where is the truffle stored?
The truffle should not be stored in rice, but must be wrapped in absorbent paper in an airtight jar
Does the truffle cook?
The white truffle should never be cooked
Where does the largest International White Truffle Fair take place?
The largest International White Truffle Fair takes place in Italy, for Alba, from other 90 editions
Can you grate the truffle?
Absolutely not, the truffle does not grate
How much does the smallest truffle in the world weigh?
The smallest truffle in the world weighs less than a gram
Is there really a fake truffle market?
Absolutely, because of their very high economic value. Low quality truffles are scented to acquire organoleptic qualities that do not have
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