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Seven ways to save gas while cooking

In times when conserving energy resources is important, knowing how to save gas while cooking becomes crucial.

Those who use gas for cooking, especially if they spend a lot of time in the kitchen, will be interested in understanding what can be the small tricks to be exploited to consume less gas and pay lower sums in the bill. Sometimes very small tricks are enough to achieve savings, such as the materials used or more efficient cooking methods.

So let's find out what can be the tips to be exploited and put into practice to consume less gas in the kitchen.

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Save gas while cooking
In times when conserving energy resources is important, knowing how to save gas while cooking becomes crucial. One of the tips to be exploited is to lower the heat of the large stove, to half the initial power, after boiling the pasta.
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Pay attention to the size and proportions of the pots
Among the best tips to consume less gas in the kitchen, there is to respect the proportions: small pots should be used on smaller stoves because it would make little sense to use them on larger stoves, which burn more gas. It is also recommended not to cook too many foods in a single pot because this would take longer to heat up.
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Carefully choose the materials of pots and pans
To consume less gas when cooking, attention must also be paid to the material of the pots and pans used. Copper and aluminum heat up before steel, for example, while cast iron and ceramics retain heat longer (but take longer to heat up).
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Use the pressure cooker
Among the tips to save gas when cooking is to use the pressure cooker because it provides fast cooking times and therefore lower gas consumption.
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Harness the heat of the oven
One of the best ways to consume less gas while cooking is to take advantage of the heat of the oven to let food cook in the last minutes, turning off the oven.
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Cooking with the lid
To save gas in the kitchen it is recommended to use the lid because this helps to speed up cooking.
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Do not use scratched pans
Scratched pans absorb heat with greater difficulty and therefore increase cooking times. To save gas in the kitchen it is therefore necessary to use pans that do not have this defect.
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