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Six  sandwiches from the world, which ones have you already tried?

Sandwiches are a specialty found in almost every part of the world. They are easy to prepare, can be stuffed with any ingredient you prefer and today they are also served in luxury restaurants, which prepare versions of the highest quality.

The sandwiches also tell a lot about the history of a country. If in some parts of the world they have always been a must in terms of food, in other parts of the globe they have only recently been revalued.

Some examples of well-known sandwiches? Turkish Doner kebab , Japanese Katsu-sando or Peruvian Chacarero . Which ones do you know and have you already tried?

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Sandwiches from the world. Which ones have you already tried?
Sandwiches are a specialty found in almost all parts of the world. They are easy to prepare, can be stuffed with any ingredient you prefer and today they are also served in luxury restaurants, which prepare versions of the highest quality. The sandwiches also tell a lot about the history of a country. If in some parts of the world they have always been a must in terms of food, in other parts of the globe they have only recently been revalued. Which ones do you know and have you already tried?
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Katsu Sando (Japan)
The Japanese Katsu Sando is a sandwich that is stuffed with tonkatsu (fried pork), to which are then added the tonkatsu sauce and the sliced cabbage in strips.
@mrwagyucl - Instagram
Chacarero (Chile)
The Chilean Chacarero is a sandwich stuffed with thinly sliced churrasco (or pork tenderloin) with tomatoes, green beans and green chili.
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Choripán (Argentina)
Originally from Argentina but also widespread in other South American countries, Choripán is obtained with two slices of bread, sometimes toasted, which contain chorizo and often accompanied by chimichurri or criolla sauce.
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Doner kebab (Turkey)
The modern sandwich version of the Doner kebab became popular in West Berlin in the 70s. In addition to meat, the sandwich may contain salad or vegetables, which may include tomato, lettuce, cabbage, onion, fresh or pickled cucumber or  chili pepper , and various types of sauces.
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Jambon-beurre (France)
The Jambon-beurre French is a sandwich that is obtained with a fresh baguette cut open, spread with salted butter and stuffed with slices of ham.
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Zapiekanka (Poland)
The Zapiekanka is an open sandwich stuffed with white mushrooms, cheeses and sometimes other ingredients. It is then toasted until the cheese melts. The sandwich is served hot, with ketchup.
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