Five quick appetizers for Christmas

Christmas is approaching and like every year millions of people will sit around a table set to joyfully share the food prepared for this occasion. Each people and nation has its own culinary traditions, elaborate or simple.

In this article we suggest some good appetizers to do quickly but with excellent results.

The simplicity in sharing the pleasure of good food in the most awaited period of the year.

Five quick and easy appetizers for Christmas
Christmas is approaching and millions of people around the world will sit around the table to share the pleasures of good food. In this gallery we propose quick ideas, simple but with great results.
Prunes with baked bacon
Take about 20 prunes.
Prunes with baked bacon
Wrap each plum with a slice of bacon and bake for 15/20 minutes at 180°.
Shrimp and mango salad
Steam the shrimp for a few minutes.
Shrimp and mango salad
Cut the mango into small pieces and add the shrimp, season with oil, salt and a little pepper.
Tuna tartare with burrata heart
Cut into tartare a slice of fresh tuna, previously slaughtered.
Tuna tartare with burrata heart
Cut a burrata and small pieces. In a round shape, arrange a layer of tuna, a layer of burrata and close with a layer of tuna. Season with oil, salt and a pinch of pepper.
Raw or smoked salmon with pistachio
Arrange the salmon on a plate to taste. Depending on your taste, you can choose whether raw or lightly smoked.
Raw or smoked salmon with pistachio
Season your salmon with an emulsion of oil, orange, salt and pepper and sprinkle with chopped pistachio.
Scrambled eggs and bottarga
Scramble 4/6 eggs with a little butter.
Scrambled eggs and bottarga
Once the eggs are ready, arrange slices of bottarga and serve with warm bread. Success assured.
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