How many eggs can you eat per week? Here's what the American Heart Association says

Eggs are appreciated worldwide for their versatility and popularity. Often associated with a healthy breakfast or used as an ingredient in numerous recipes, eggs are a valuable source of protein, vitamins and minerals. 

However, the question often arises whether it is safe and healthy to consume eggs in large quantities. 

In this article, we take a closer look at the topic of weekly egg consumption and the scientific evidence on the subject.

How many eggs can you eat per week?
The amount of eggs one can consume weekly depends on several factors, such as health status, lifestyle and individual diet. There is no fixed, universal number that fits everyone, but dietary guidelines in many countries offer general recommendations.
The cholesterol myth of eggs
For a long time, eggs have been associated with cholesterol problems due to their high content of dietary cholesterol in the yolk. However, recent research such as that of the American Heart Association has shown that dietary cholesterol intake has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol for most people. The liver produces endogenous cholesterol according to the body's needs, thus reducing the effect of dietary sources of cholesterol.
Eggs and cardiovascular health
The association between egg consumption and cardiovascular health has been the subject of extensive scientific studies. Research has shown that, for most people, consuming eggs in moderate quantities does not significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, eggs may even help improve blood cholesterol levels by increasing HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, known as 'good cholesterol'.
Health benefits of eggs
Eggs offer numerous health benefits. They are a complete source of high-quality protein, providing all the essential amino acids the body needs for tissue growth and repair. Egg proteins are easily digestible and can help satiate the appetite, which can be helpful for weight control.
Variation in egg composition
It should be noted that the composition of eggs may vary depending on the diet of the hens producing them. Hens fed a diet rich in omega-3 or other nutrients may produce eggs with a higher concentration of these nutrients. Some studies suggest that eggs enriched with omega-3 may help improve omega-3 levels in the body.
There is no specific limit
In conclusion, there is no specific limit of eggs one can eat per week, but the inclusion of eggs in a healthy diet can provide numerous health benefits. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and their impact on blood cholesterol is generally minimal for most people. However, it is always important to consider balance and variety in the overall diet. Consult a nutritionist or doctor for advice tailored to individual needs.
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